Personal Security Products for 24-Hour Safety
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The average crime rate in the United States is 382.3 violent crimes and 2,362.2 property crimes per 100,000 inhabitants. Large cities, such as Detroit, Michigan, or Los Angeles, California, have higher crime rates, averaging around 1,500 violent crimes and 5,000 property crimes per 100,000 people. Needless to say, security and personal safety are important no matter where you live. Here are some simple personal security products that will protect you, your belongings, and your home.

1. DIY Security System
A DIY security system is one of the best devices you can use for personal security because it encompasses a wide variety of security devices. Security systems include door alarms, window alarms, motion sensors, security cameras, and more. They also protect your home from fires and floods with smart smoke sensors and smart flood sensors. These safety products help to bring peace of mind to homeowners worried about having safety and security in their homes.
A study conducted by The University of North Carolina at Charlotte found that 60 percent of burglars were deterred by home security systems. Rather than attempting to break into a home that has an alarm system or a camera on the porch, the burglars would leave the premise and find a different target. Another survey done by an Oregon news station found that nearly all burglars will run when the alarm to a security alarm is triggered. Rather than find out what happens after the alarm goes off, most burglars will make a run for it.
Although, why use a DIY security system instead of a traditional security system? Security experts prefer the simplicity of a DIY system for homeowners looking to protect their belongings. DIY systems offer all of the protection that a wired system offers, but without the wires and without the hassle. For protecting your home, a DIY security system is the best option.

2. Pepper Spray
Pepper spray is an important security device that can be carried in a purse or backpack. It is a small container with a button located at the top. When the button is pressed firmly, the device lets out of a stream of chemicals. A stream of pepper spray can reach from 8 to 12 feet, depending on the direction of the wind. When pepper spray reaches the eyes of an attacker or offender, the person will experience the following temporary symptoms:
- Swelling of the eyes, nose, and throat.
- Sinus discharge.
- Coughing.
- Shortness of breath.
- Involuntary eye closure.
- Painful burning of the skin.
- Hyperventilation.
- Gagging.
These symptoms are meant to give the victim enough time to escape and find help. Typically symptoms of pepper spray last anywhere from 20 minutes to 90 minutes. After 90 minutes, the symptoms will disappear, ensuring that there was no permanent or lasting harm.
Pepper spray is an important tool to carry for personal safety. It is one of the best defense products to have because of its effectiveness. It temporarily disables the attacker without causing serious damage. Additionally, it does not require the victim to use strength to overpower an attacker and does not need the victim to know how to fight back. As long as the victim knows how to press a button, the victim can use pepper spray to defend themselves.
The reason why pepper spray is such a popular device is that it can be used by people of all sizes, ages, ethnicities, and genders. The tool is legal to carry in your purse or bag.
3. Personal Alarm
A personal alarm is a small keychain button that emits a siren when pressed. Personal alarms are small and portable, perfect for any person who is worried about their personal security. The alarm can be held in the palm of your hand and has a long battery life, ensuring that the user is safe 24-hours a day. Personal alarms, when used, emit a loud, high-pitched sound nearly equivalent to the sound of a gunshot or a rock concert. This siren is meant to do two things:
Scare away an attacker. Alert those nearby that you are in danger.
The siren can be heard for at least a mile in all directions. The personal alarm will startle the attacker, giving the victim time to escape, and it will alert those nearby, providing instant relief to the situation.
4. Travel Safe
A travel safe is a small, brief-case sized box made of steel. Travel safes are meant to protect important travel documents, jewelry, and other valuable items. There are many benefits to having a travel safe. First, you are able to protect your belongings while you stay in a hotel or Airbnb. Hotels and Airbnb’s are dangerous since multiple people have access to your room, meaning that your items can be stolen fairly easily. Another benefit is that travel safes are often waterproof and fireproof. This ensures that your items are safe, no matter what your journey brings.

5. Anti-Theft Bag or Backpack
Similar to a travel safe, an anti-theft backpack will help to protect your portable items while you travel in a crowded area. The number one property crime in almost every city in the United States is theft. This includes pickpockets and other street crimes. Anti-theft backpacks and bags are created to be theft-proof. Since they are designed for travel, they are soft, comfortable, and durable, while also preventing crime. Most international travelers chose to use an anti theft bag while traveling.
Security professionals estimate that nearly 6,000 people are victims of pickpockets daily. This adds up to 2.19 million cases of pickpocketing every year. Most of the time, pickpocketing happens in crowded areas in cities, such as crowded intersections, large gatherings, and subways. These crowded areas are the perfect places to get away with crime for two reasons:
- The pickpocket will blend into the crowd and make it impossible to know who stole the item(s).
- The pickpocket has an easy excuse to get close enough to the target and bump into them.
Smart travel starts with being prepared. If you’re planning on traveling to a city, foreign country, or other areas where you will be pegged as a tourist, it’s best to travel with an anti theft backpack or anti theft money belt.

6. 72-Hour Kit
Just because you have a 72-hour kit doesn’t make you a doomsday prepper. In fact, having a 72-hour kit can be one of the smartest things that you can do to ensure your safety. A 72-hour kit is a backpack of essential items that will last you 72-hours. It is an emergency kit that will keep you alive and happy for three days. Typically, a 72-hour kit will include:
- Water. The first and most important item to include in the kit is water. recommends that families prepare one gallon of water per member of the family per day.
- Food. You will need three days’ worth of non-perishable food. Ready-to-eat meals are usually the best since they won’t require cooking tools.
- Blankets/Pillow/Sleeping Bag. Depending on the size of your backpack, you may consider packing a blanket or sleeping bag and a small travel pillow. With these items ready, you are prepared to sleep well in a disaster.
- Flashlight and Batteries. Every emergency kit needs a flashlight and batteries. Emergency kits prepare you for the worst, meaning that, in the emergency, you won’t have access to light. Flashlights can help you navigate without light.
- Whistle. Whistles are a must-have for emergency kits because they act as a signal for help. If you’re ever in trouble and can’t find the help that you need, the whistle will be a life-safer and alert anyone in the area that you need help.
- Dust or Filter Masks. Having a 72-hour kit will help you to prepare for an emergency, no matter what the emergency is. Since the emergency could be a fire, a storm, or a disease, having dust or filter masks can prepare you for the worst.
- Personal Hygiene Products. To make the 72 hours as comfortable as possible, don’t forget soap, toothpaste, a toothbrush, facial and hand wipes, and other personal hygiene products.
- Other Important Items. The last few important items to include in your emergency kit include a pocketknife, gloves, duct tape, first aid kit, cash, maps, and a list of emergency contacts.
Having a 72-hour kit helps you to increase your personal security by making you more prepared for every situation.

7. Striker Keychain
Personal security devices can help to give you more confidence while walking the streets at night. According to statistics, over 30 percent of rape victims were attacked while traveling outside. Most happened at night, and another 8 percent happened while the victim was at work. Traveling with personal safety devices can help to keep you safe from assault while traveling, at work, or at home.
A striker keychain is a tool that you can use to protect yourself from an attacker. The tool is a thin, metal device that is rounded at one end. The other end has a keychain so that you can carry the striker on your bag. The purpose of the striker is to stun an attacker (similar to the purpose of pepper spray) and give the victim enough time to escape from the situation.
8. Personal Security Apps
Personal security apps can be one of the most helpful personal security products on the list. Personal security apps can be used by both women and men, though most are advertised to women who walk home alone. Personal security apps often involve features like GPS trackers, “safe zone” locators, and panic features.
Some of the best personal security apps for free are:
- bSafe. This app sets up a network of “guardians,” who are given access to your GPS location. They can then follow you via the app as you make your way home. The app also has an emergency button that, when touched, sends out a notification to all of the “guardians” and records audio and video.
- Watch Over Me. This app only requires you to shake your phone. If you are feeling unsafe and you need immediate help (and you don’t even want to open your phone), you can simply shake the phone, and the app will send your location to your emergency contacts. It will also start recording video and audio.
- Kitestring. Kitestring is an app that requires you to check in periodically by pressing, “I’m fine.” If you aren’t able to check-in, the app sends a notification with your GPS location to your emergency contacts. There is also a “follow me” option that alerts your contacts to check up on your location and keeps the app open.
Personal security apps are helpful because they are on your phone, which you likely have with you anyways. They are also free, making it easy to be safe.

9. GPS Tracker
A GPS tracker is a helpful tool that can be used in your car, in a wallet, or on your keys. GPS trackers are small, portable, and easy to use. Most GPS trackers pair with a free app on your phone. The app can “ping” the device similar to an Apple watch. You can also use the app to see where your device is (in case your car, wallet, or keys were stolen).
10. Travel Door Lock
Our final product is the door security lock. This is meant to be used to secure doors while traveling (such as motel doors and Airbnb doors). The portable door lock will lock a door without a key, ensuring that the door stays locked even when someone with a key tries to unlock it from the outside.
One of the most popular door lock products is the Addalock portable door lock. The Addalock is fairly cheap and can be bought online or instore. The Addalock is inserted between the door frame and the door. When the door is closed, Addalock prevents the door bolt from opening. Essentially, Addalock is a second lock for your door. There are other brands of door locks that will also act as second locks for your door. By locking your door a second time, from the inside, you ensure that you are safe at night.
Personal safety is vital. Millions of people are injured every year due to abuse, assault, robbery, and burglary. Often using security devices (such as a security camera) can prevent crime and protect you and your family.

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