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Apartment Safety Checklist: Easy Tips to Keep Your Place Secure

Posted March 28, 2024 by Cove

Apartment with brick walls and modern furniture.

Keeping your apartment safe is all about finding that sweet spot between following the rules and looking out for yourself. But don't worry, we've got you covered with some practical advice. Here are a few simple ways to make sure your apartment stays secure.

Man locking his front door with a set of keys.

Lock it Up: First things first, always lock your doors and windows. It sounds like a no-brainer, but it's the first line of defense against anyone looking to sneak in.

Report Any Shenanigans: If you spot any vandalism, don't hesitate to let management know. Even though it might not seem like a big deal, it can create a sketchy vibe that nobody wants. Plus, reporting it quickly can help prevent more serious stuff from happening.

Get to Know Your Neighbors: Building a rapport with the folks next door can go a long way. You'll have each other's backs, keeping an eye out for anything fishy happening around the place. Plus, it's nice to feel like you're part of a community.

Check Out What's Available: Talk to your landlord about what security measures are already in place. Knowing what you've got to work with can help you figure out what extra steps you might want to take to stay safe.

RELATED: Roommate Security 101: Safeguarding Your Shared Space

How the alarm panel works thumbnail

Alarm Systems FTW: If your landlord gives the green light, consider getting an alarm system. Look for something wireless and easy to install, like Cove home security. It'll give you peace of mind and make your place a lot less appealing to unwanted guests. The Cove Connet app makes it easy to keep an eye on what's going on. Plus, Cove is portable, so you can take it with you wherever you go.

Hide Your Stuff: Keep your valuables out of sight to reduce the risk of them getting swiped. Get creative with your hiding spots or use decoy items to throw off potential thieves.

Don't Forget About Parking: Make sure the parking lot is up to scratch when it comes to security. Cameras and fencing can make a big difference, especially at night.

RELATED: Everything You Need to Know About Renters Insurance

Cove Connect app showing live camera feed

By taking a few simple steps and keeping an eye out for each other, you can make sure your apartment stays a safe and happy place to live. So lock those doors, say hi to your neighbors, and rest easy knowing you've got things under control.

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